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Go solution to LeetCode 1005 Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations
3 min readMar 10, 2019
In this Leetcode problem, we need to optimize the sum for all the elements in an array A
by successively flipping elements A[i]
into -A[i]
. We can do this K
times and we need to return the sum of all elements when we do it optimally.
Naive solution, recurse on K
To construct a very naive solution we can implement a greedy recursion. That is find the minimum element of the array, flip it, and then recusrively call with K-1
, I tried it, the solution was accepted:
func largestSumAfterKNegations(A []int, K int) int {
if K == 0 {
return sum(A)
} else {
minIndex := minIndex(A)
A[minIndex] = - A[minIndex]
return largestSumAfterKNegations(A, K - 1)
}func sum(A []int) int {
sum := 0
for _, v := range A {
sum += v
return sum
}func minIndex(A []int) int {
min := 101
minIndex := -1
for i,v := range A {
if v < min {
minIndex = i
min = v
return minIndex
The time complexity is O(len(A) * K)
and the space complexity is O(K)